Thursday, March 5, 2020

A Morgengemund/Morning Meditation

[I wrote this morning devotional not long after the Ealdríce was established in 2010. My guess is that it dates to 2011. - Þórbeorht]

Begin by standing before your weófod (altar) and lighting a candle.

With a Free Right and mind, I turn my will
ever towards that of a Right Good Will,
that the Three Wynns, from whence thew springs,
may take their root and grow within me.
I am my deeds, those before and behind;
in all things: Widsom, Wealthdeal, and Worthmind.
And from my trow may there sprout these leaves:
belief in the gods, love for my kin, leave for the king.
This day I begin, may in it worth I gain,
that I may wax in weal and grow in good name.

At this time, if you are in the habit of wearing a Þunreslecg (Þunor’s hammer pendant), it should be donned. After a few moments of silence, extinguish the candle and begin your day.