Tuesday, March 2, 2021


To Hold the Holytides: A Collection of Articles on the Anglo-Saxon Heathen Ritual Year, Its Keeping and Its Customs


To Hold the Holytides: A Collection of Articles on the Anglo-Saxon Heathen Ritual Year, Its Keeping and Its Customs by Þórbeorht Ealdorblótere. 158 pages. $18. Released November 2020.

To Hold the Holytides is a collection of Théodish writings on the Anglo-Saxon heathen ritual year that explores how many pre-Christian customs were kept alive in both the seasonal celebrations of the Anglican church and in the folk traditions of the English countryside. Moreover, this work affords the contemporary reader a rare glimpse into how such ancient thews have been rekindled and put into practice by Anglo-Saxon Théodsmen today. As a companion to “By the Sun, the Stars, and the Moon: Anglo-Saxon Heathen Time-keeping,” this book also includes articles on how the dates for such heathen holytides as Módraniht, Éastre, Midsumor, and Winterfylleþ are determined and as well as observations on the span of Yuletide as it was held in Anglo-Saxon England.