following was first published on the Ealdríce Théodish Fellowship’s old blog on
the 25th of November 2018.
In the year 43 CE, Batavians attached to the XIV
Legion were part of the Roman force that fought in Britain against the Celts at
the battle of Medway River. In the 2nd century, Marcus Aurelius employed
Macromanni to fight the British. By the third century, defeated Burgundians and
Vandals were transferred by Rome to Britain. By the 220s-230s, Rome had
stationed Frisian auxiliaries in Britain. In 306 an Alemannic king by the name
of Crocus and his troops were in York. By 372, the Alemannic king Fraomar was
in Britannia leading his troops under Valentinian I’s banner – meaning that
Alemanni had been in Britain for nearly a century. By the time Hengest and
Horsa arrived in 446 CE and began the Anglo-Saxon invasion, Teutonic peoples
had been consistently fighting, and no doubt settling, in Britain for at least
four hundred years. What made the “Anglo-Saxon Invasion” so remarkable wasn’t
that Teutons were crossing the channel, conquering, and settling Britain – that
much they had been doing for quite some time after all. What made it remarkable
was that they were finally doing so under their own boar-banners rather than
under Rome’s eagle-standard.
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